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Re: FTP Security

-> Hello forks.
-> I'm currently making WWW Page for our project team.
-> I'd installed all required stuffs for the service but there is
-> a problem which I have no idea how to deal.
-> As you know when a browser requsts ftp service to a server, the default
-> user id is set to anonymous. But I don't want to install anonymous 
-> service for my system and let the browser access my service using some 
-> user id so that confidential documents are not revealed to others.
-> I know how to restrict some directoris using .htaccess file but
-> even after some user succeeded the user identification the ftp 
-> access is only under anonymous.
-> I tried some thing like this; http://user:passwd@host/directory/file
-> but this scheme shows the user and password via browser which is not
-> recommended by NCSA and my team members(they will kill me! :)).

Netscape doesn't have this restriction. You can specify 


and it will prompt you for a password in a different style dialogue
box than the normal authentication box. I was appalled to learn that
all other browsers don't understand this convention, and if fact _we_
are going to have to implement something similar since we're changing
the CIO ftp system for Cisco.

I just wish all browsers did the FTP protocol correctly. 


Follow-Ups: References: